
触覚/ Haptics


Hayashi, Y., Cooper, E. W., Kryssanov, V. V., & Ogawa, H. (2011, August). Semantic parameterization of basic surface models rendered with PHANToM Omni. In International Workshop on Haptic and Audio Interaction Design (pp. 11-21). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

知覚/ Perception


Hayashi, Y. & Shimojo, S. (2021). Investigating gaze behavior of dyads in a collaborative explanation task using a concept map: Influence of facilitation prompts on perspective taking. Proceedings of the1st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Learning Sciences(ISLS2021), 149-152.

Hayashi, Y. (2020). Gaze awareness and metacognitive suggestions by a pedagogical conversational agent: an experimental investigation on interventions to support collaborative learning process and performance. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning15(4), 469-498.

知覚+言語/ Perception + Language


Hayashi, Y. (2018). Towards a Pedagogical Conversational Agent for Collaborative Learning: A Model Based on Gaze Recurrence and Information Overlap. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society(CogSci2018), 471-476.


林 勇吾 (2018). 知識統合型の協同学習における身体性を持つ教育エージェント:眼球運動測定を用いた助言と視線ジェスチャに関する実験的検討 ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 20(1), 79-88.